Author Archives: Alex Slezak

About Alex Slezak

Tennis Coach & Fitness Expert

Winter Tennis 2019-2020

IMG_0344For those of you planning to keep on playing tennis throughout the Winter we will continue our intermediate (11:00-12:00) and Advanced (12:00-2:00) Sunday classes indoors at Lakevue Athletic Club.  We will begin on Sunday, November 3rd and continue all winter until we can get back outdoors in the spring.

For complete information and to register click the link below. Please take note there is no Beginners class in the Winter,  Intermediate from 11:00am-12:00pm, and Advanced training from 12:00pm-2:00pm.

For Winter Tennis Information CLICK HERE

Fall Sunday Tennis Training Information

IMG_0322Summer is over…

For those of you planning to keep on playing tennis throughout the fall we will again do our Sunday classes.  We will begin on Sunday, August 18th and wrap things up around the end of October when the weather gets too cold…

For complete information and to register click the link below. Please take note the Beginners class will run from 10:30am-11:00am, Intermediate from 11:00am-12:00pm, and Advanced training from 12:00pm-2:00pm.  This is a slight change to the beginner and intermediate start times from the summer.

Fall 2019 Sunday Tennis Information

Fall 2018 Sunday Tennis Camps

IMG_0322As summer comes to a close everyone has been asking…

We will be doing a continuation of summer camp Every Sunday in the fall beginning August 26 and concluding when the weather no longer permits us to be outside at Fox Chapel High School.


Fall 2018 Camp Registration Form – CLICK HERE

Register Online for Fall 2018 Camp – CLICK HERE

Camp dates for the Fall of 2018 are every Sunday beginning August 26th and concluding when the weather does not allow us to be outdoors any longer. CLICK HERE to view the camp flyer and CLICK HERE to register your son or daughter online.

Tennis camp has grown tremendously over the past few years.  I thank you for that because it is people just like you who took the time to share your experiences with your friends and family.  In the summer we reached near full capacity especially in the intermediate and advanced groups.  If you plan on attending please register your child early to avoid any conflicts and allow me to best plan for an excellent experience.

2018 Summer Camp

Assuming the end of the school year does not change through the rest of the winter, tennis camp will tentatively run for 8 weeks this summer, Monday-Friday June 18th – August 10th.

Click Here to View the 2018 Camp Flyer

Register Online By Clicking Here

Tennis camp has grown tremendously over the past few years.  I thank you for that because it you who took the time to share your experiences with your friends and family.  Last summer we reached full or near full capacity especially in the intermediate and advanced groups.  If you plan on attending please register your son or child early to avoid any conflicts and allow me to best plan for an excellent experience.

2017 Summer Camp Dates Released

Camp dates for the summer of 2017 are June 19th – August 11th.  CLICK HERE to view the camp flyer for all the details.

2017 Tennis Camp Registration

Tennis camp has grown tremendously over the past 5 years and last year we reached near full capacity especially in the intermediate and advanced groups.  If you plan on attending please register your son or daughter early to avoid any conflicts and allow me to best plan for an excellent experience.

***New Carpool***

Also new his year is a carpool to make it easier to get around.  A few parents wanted to make it easier to coordinate rides with everyone.  If you are interested click the link below and add your information and/or reach out to contact someone near you.

Tennis Scoring Abbreviations – The Hidden Consequences Will Impact Everyone

Chuck KrieseI have a guest post from a man I am honored to call a friend and mentor, Coach Chuck Kriese.  

With all the changes going on to the scoring system in collegiate and the junior tennis this is a MUST read.  We need to think long and hard about how changing the scoring system changes the game of tennis itself, and the lasting impact those changes will have.


For 141 years, the consistent barometer for marking levels of playing abilities, determining the rites-of-passage to new levels and the measuring of every competitor’s achievement has been the fascinating and challenging scoring system of tennis.  Traditional Tennis Scoring is now under assault as there is an attempt to change or abbreviate it at nearly every level.   The stated motive by the ITA and the USTA has been to attract more participation and the building of larger fan-bases at collegiate events.

As the 10-pt Tie-Breaker is now being used regularly instead of a learning-packed 3rd set for matches in junior tennis, No-ad Tennis is being bled into our youngster’s events as well.   In the college ranks, strong opposition by coaches and players was not enough to prevent the ITA from finally forcing it through.  Regardless of an ugly 4-year battle, the ITA made it a rule anyway for 2016.  Players and coaches complained in unison, but the end result was for coaches to do-it-or-else.   Multiple junior events are following suit this year with a narrative by USTA that suspiciously states, “Our kids need to play no-ad to get ready for college tennis.”  REALLY!!!    It is time to take notice!

The unintended consequences of such changes to the fundamental structure of tennis does much greater harm than is noticed on the surface.  Youngsters and Collegians are getting skewed and random results.  More harmful is that they don’t learn the depths of the game.  Seemingly, the path is being paved for abbreviated tennis to go into other levels of tennis. Since experimentations are already commonplace at the junior and collegiate levels, it might not be a stretch to assume that it soon becomes experimental at Grand-Slam and Davis Cup events.  The plan seems to be that in a few short years our youngsters and collegians to be integrated into acceptance of abbreviators.  Unfortunately, making things ‘easier to pick-up also makes them easier to put down!’

The fall-out of trying to make tennis easier could be far reaching and be impossible to reverse.  The following list shows 10 reasons why ‘Hard to pick up has also been proved as hard to put down’ and why Traditional Tennis Scoring and this great game have survived the many up’s and downs since 1874.  Other sport’s scoring systems have never been able to compare in depth nor in genius.  The scoring system of tennis is the game’s ‘most precious heirloom.’  It must be protected as such.  The following list represents the brilliance of our game’s wonderful scoring system.  Maybe it is not too late to let our tennis voices be heard.

  “Honor our Game – Protect Traditional Scoring!!!”    

Like many aspects of tennis that seem simplistic on the outside, the depth and intrigue of its scoring system have inspired and challenged players for 132 years.  Successes or non-successes have been benchmarked and gauged by its accuracy of measurement.  Its’ genius has presented the ultimate challenges to the body, mind and spirit of the competitor.  It is a most precious heirloom and should be respected as such.  Consider the following:

Traditional scoring is a fair, accurate and time-tested barometer for the many skill-sets that it takes to win in tennis. Skills to overcome ‘pecking orders’ and to go through the normal ‘rites-of-passages,’ for tennis levels have been assessed by consistent measurement for over a hundred years.  These give critical guidelines for player development.  Randomness and skewed results greatly harm developmental process.

Tennis is a game of simultaneous scoring opportunity for both offense and defensive postures. Thus, the need to win by 2 points instead of one per-game is paramount!! The 7th point of no-ad is of double-jeopardy value and is actually worth two games instead of one.  (eg. This overloaded value is easily understood when the set-score is 4-2 and one point makes it either 5-2 or 4-3;   however, the same weight is true every time a player loses the 7thSadly, the benefits gained from dishonest line-calls are enhanced because such weight is given to the 7th point of the game.

Fitness is a Corner-stone for Success in Tennis. Abbreviations to traditional scoring dilute and minimize the elements of conditioning and endurance of mind, body and spirit; therefore, results are often skewed.  Best USA athletes will not be inspired by dumbing down the physicality of the great sport of tennis!!!

Conversion Point (3-in-a-row) mastery is a critical skill-set for success in traditional scoring – The length of every game in no-ad scoring is 4-7 points. Also, no-ad requires the winning of only 1 point in a row for success. Those multiple situations that require very disciplined skill-sets to solve are minimized by no-ad. The skill of ‘War-Zone Endurance’ or the ability to carry and defend a lead is critical for success in tennis.

Abbreviated scoring promotes random momentum swings and neutralizes the small differences in the better player’s skill base.  Traditional scoring is designed for small differences of skill to become a big advantage as a match unfolds. This is where separation of players takes place. Early war-zones that are won usually set the tone for the match; however, no-ad diminishes that hard-earned separation earned by the stronger player.  Momentum that is well-earned by the better player is usually minimized.

Point Construction and a well-rounded game are highlighted by Traditional Scoring. No-ad accelerates false parity between levels without the deeper mastery of skill-sets usually required for advancement.   Abbreviated scoring rewards Ball-striking skill more than Point-construction skills.

Traditional Scoring produces great drama in the closing out of each game, set and match. The bi-product is usually heightened excitement. No-ad and abbreviated scoring dilute these opportunities for drama as one false crescendo after another is manipulated by the scoring system and not by skill-sets.

Players and Coaches want to play regulation tennis! They want to play the same system that professionals have used for 132 years.  They do not want to mark improvements nor important rites-of-passage that are manipulated by hybrid scoring methods.

No-Ad is not a rule of tennis – No-ad was originally invented as a novelty experiment during the tennis boom of the 1970s. There was no research done before its implementation into competitive arena. It has always been marketed as a ‘Time-Saver.’ Research in the 1980s prove that is causes more 3-set matches.

When we use traditional scoring, we are ‘Honoring of the game’ and protecting a precious Heirloom. Abbreviated forms of scoring will not sustain interest nor do they inspire players for the long-run.

Please  Do Your Part to Protect and to Promote Traditional Scoring….Ask our tennis leaders to do the Same!!!

Chuck Kriese was the coach at Clemson for 33 years and retired as a hall-of-fame coach in 2008. He has returned to collegiate coaching ranks at ‘The Citadel.’  During Kriese has been named to 4 national-coach-of-the-year awards.  He has coached 5 players to Junior Grand-Slam titles and 4 other second place finishes.  11 of Chuck’s players have risen to top 100 spots in the ATP and WTA.  He has authored four published Tennis books and has co-authored 2 others on Clemson sports history.  His 36 years of collegiate coaching produced 34 All-Americans, 4 national sr. Players of the year, 16 top 10 teams.  He is a former USA national Coach; Junior Davis Cup Coach and technical Director for SE Asia Tennis. He continues to teach, coach, to write and to give motivational speeches for coaches and young people.  To learn more about Coach Kriese visit his website www.ChuckKriese.Net.

Ending The Early Specialization Debate

I was just talking to the parents of a fairly elite 10 year old swimmer in how to deal with the issue of early sport specialization. They were concerned their son is spending too much time in the pool but at the same time worried he will lose his edge if he does not swim enough.  I immediately saw the parallels to what tennis parents and coaches experience and it inspired me to write this post to help those of you out there going through the same issues.

In tennis it is without a doubt true that early sport specialization is linked to overuse injuries, prematurely peaking careers, and plateaus in player development.  It is fairly common to see the best tennis players at the age of 10 go on to later be plagued by injury, hit a roadblock in development, and burn out.  While at the same time it is also true that you must be a fairly decent player at younger ages and regularly play tournaments if you want a shot at doing something special.  If you understand tennis you know how important technique is and that players must hit a countless number of balls to lock in their strokes.  The end result is that we end up at the paradox of “how do I hit a lot of tennis balls and not specialize early on?”

Being both a tennis and physical preparation coach I have a unique perspective because I see both sides of the argument.  I am actually not against deciding on one main sport early on provided a long-term athletic development approach is taken from the beginning.  I believe the odds are good that you can specialize in making tennis your main sport at a young age, remain injury free, and continue to break through to new levels of physical and tournament performance.  The key to doing this is to understand the role strength and conditioning plays in tennis player development.

As I said before tennis is a sport that requires a lot of time spent hitting tennis balls.  If you spend a lot of time on the court you will get very good at tennis specific skills.  The goal of a tennis player is to then accumulate as much tennis-specific volume as possible on an annual and multi-year basis.  To clarify, by tennis-specific volume I mean hitting tennis balls or playing matches because being on the court is as specific as it gets.

This would lead one to conclude that specializing early and spending as much time on the court as possible is the way to go.  However, you must understand that in order to accumulate as much tennis-specific volume as possible a player’s body must have the fitness to support such a high volume of training.  This is where most people miss the boat.  They have juniors accumulating a ton of volume hitting balls and playing matches but their bodies cannot handle it.  The high levels of specific volume lead to better and better tennis but at the same time all the stress slowly but surely accumulates, wears down the body, and injury occurs and/or performance suffers.  This is why strength and conditioning or general physical preparation is so important.

The ultimate goal of strength and conditioning in tennis is to achieve a high enough level of fitness to support all the necessary specific training volume and recovery from it.  Sure strength and conditioning will make a player bigger, faster, stronger, and allow them to express their strokes at a higher level.  However, in a technical sport like tennis the best way to improve your skills is to hit tennis balls and lots of them.  The trap people fall into is that they think if they keep hitting more and more tennis balls they’ll continue to improve and they will but without a strong base of fitness to support that amount of specific volume, and the ability to recover from it, it is only a matter of time before injury or burnout occurs.  Achieving this level of fitness takes a long time and it is only achieved through a variety of movement patterns and training methods.

So to answer the paradoxical question of “how do I hit a ton of tennis balls without specializing in tennis” is to take a long-term athletic development approach from the very beginning.  Begin with the idea that tennis is going to be the main sport and hit a lot of tennis balls while at the same time working on all aspects of fitness (coordination, balance, strength, conditioning, etc.).  Over time you will gradually build up the fitness to support hitting more and more tennis balls and the ability to recover properly from doing so in order to stay injury and burnout free.

If you really want to do this right you have to educate yourselves or get with a coach who truly knows what they are doing because strength and conditioning looks very different at different ages and the process is unique to each child.  For example, strength and conditioning in general for an 8-year-old involves playing tag, crab walking, climbing, and free play to improve conditioning, agility, coordination and strength.  While strength and conditioning for a high school junior will involve running to develop the aerobic energy system, lifting weights to develop strength, or doing more of what comes to mind when you think of traditional fitness.  But making an 8 year old run hill sprints or hit the weight room isn’t going to get the job done.  In fact, inappropriate training will only increase the odds something bad will happen.

Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below and if you have any questions add them as well, I’ll be happy to answer them.

For those coaches and parents out there who are looking for more information the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA) is launching a product this week called Long-Term Athletic Development.  It is a darn good resource to have if you are working with kids and thinking long-term in developing them.  It also happens to be on sale this week for $99.

15:1 Rule

The job of a coach is to get people to do the things they don’t want to do, in order to achieve the things they want to achieve” – Tom Laundry

I remember Coach Kriese saying something along the lines of, “when a kid tells themselves to do something it is as powerful as a coach telling them 15 times over.”  I never forgot that and it relates back to the power of self-motivation and deep practice.  The best coaching occurs when the student becomes inspired to take control and start teaching themselves.

I have often told players about this concept in what I refer to as the “15:1” rule.  The rule simply means what you tell yourself one time is as powerful as a coach telling you 15 times.  There is no scientific data to base it on it simply is a metaphor for how powerful engaging one’s mind really is.

I have had the ability to film players technique in slow motion for a few years now and it has been an invaluable tool.  Recently, I have found a way to combine it with the 15:1 rule, making it even more powerful.  By taking a few minutes to analyze the video and share it with the players online it has allowed them to take a more active role in their development.  It has allowed them to recall what was talked about in their lessons and then take charge to start coaching themselves to improvement.

Here is an example of video analysis: