Monthly Archives: February 2024

Spring & Summer Tennis Dates

We will plan to move outdoors in the spring on Sundays from April 7 – June 9, 2024. All the information and registration can be found on the Spring Tennis Page.

This summer we will offer 8 weeks of tennis Monday-Friday from June 17 – August 9, 2024. All the information and registration can be found on the Summer Tennis Page.

Our tennis program is designed to accomplish several goals:

  • Develop tennis skills and tactics utilizing the GreatBase curriculum.
  • Develop character through stories based on decades of coaching experience.
  • Develop work ethic through daily practice sessions.
  • Provide a positive and inspirational environment for those just beginning their tennis journey all the way to those playing competitively.
  • Do this all in a way that makes tennis both accessible and affordable.

Finally, we do zero advertising. We hope that by providing great experiences and instruction you are compelled to tell other like-minded friends and neighbors about the program. If you have had a great experience please share this program with others. It would be greatly appreciated!

Zander Tennis at 3.