Fall Sunday Tennis Dates

We are half way through the summer but the school year is right around the corner…

I am happy to announce we will begin our Sunday tennis program on Sunday, August 25th.

For more information or to register please click the link below.


Spring & Summer Tennis Dates

We will plan to move outdoors in the spring on Sundays from April 7 – June 9, 2024. All the information and registration can be found on the Spring Tennis Page.

This summer we will offer 8 weeks of tennis Monday-Friday from June 17 – August 9, 2024. All the information and registration can be found on the Summer Tennis Page.

Our tennis program is designed to accomplish several goals:

  • Develop tennis skills and tactics utilizing the GreatBase curriculum.
  • Develop character through stories based on decades of coaching experience.
  • Develop work ethic through daily practice sessions.
  • Provide a positive and inspirational environment for those just beginning their tennis journey all the way to those playing competitively.
  • Do this all in a way that makes tennis both accessible and affordable.

Finally, we do zero advertising. We hope that by providing great experiences and instruction you are compelled to tell other like-minded friends and neighbors about the program. If you have had a great experience please share this program with others. It would be greatly appreciated!

Zander Tennis at 3.

Tennis at 87 Years Young

When people think about their children playing tennis often the image of competitive tournaments and the college dream comes to mind. The competitive junior tennis scene is a fantastic journey in and of itself but this weekend I was reminded of the most important reasons to play tennis.

Mr. DeLuca with Tucker & Zander

This is a picture of Al DeLuca. He was born in 1936 which makes him 87 years young. Mr. DeLuca and I met and became friends through tennis. He has played tennis his entire life and it has had a profound impact on him. He still hits tennis balls every Sunday with players in the program and has become a mentor to both them and myself.

This weekend in the frigid temperatures he still drove out to Lakevue to play. In doing that I was reminded of the real reason you want your children to play tennis. A quick Google search shows all of the studies stating that people who acquire the skills of hitting a tennis ball tend to play the sport for a lifetime. Studies show that playing tennis also adds approximately 10 years to your lifetime. The health and mental benefits of playing tennis are astounding!

Mr. DeLuca thank you for your inspiration to others. This past weekend you reminded me of the gift that coaching tennis truly is. I wish competitive success to everyone. Even more important is my hope that tennis helps them hopefully live a long and healthy life!

Winter Tennis 2023-24

I am happy to announce that we will be holding our Sunday winter tennis sessions at a brand new facility located in Monroeville.

The new facility is currently being built and is located right off the Monroeville Exit of the turnpike on Wyngate Drive next to the Rocket Wash.

We plan to begin on Sunday, November 5th but the facility is in the finishing stages of construction so a delay is possible but if so it will not be long.

For more information or to register CLICK HERE. Space in limited in the winter so I appreciate you signing up early so I can best plan ahead.

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

If you have not seen the story of Venus and Serena Willians in the movie King Richard yet, I urge you to do so. Richard Williams had a dream for his daughters to be professional tennis players and with that dream he had a plan, a 78 page plan to be exact. The basis of his plan is repetition, repetition, repetition. He takes his daughters out everyday rain or shine. What he was lacking in tennis information he made up for in good old fashion hard work and consistency.

Repetition really is the secret to excelling in tennis. Richard Williams might be crazy, but he was consistently crazy, and that consistency in getting the reps was the foundation for their success.

When you can combine information on how to efficiently hit a tennis ball with repetition great things happen. I have seen it over and over again with the GreatBase Tennis Curriculum that we utilize. Hard work definitely beats talent every day of the week.

Once you know how to hit a tennis ball there are so many ways to get in your repetitions. The limit is really only your imagination.

You can shadow swing in front of a mirror, hit off a cone or combine the two as in the video below.

You can hit off a wall or portable backboard.

You can use a metronome app on your phone.

And this is why I love the summer. When kids are out of school there is time. There is time to slow down and learn how to hit a tennis ball efficiently. There is time to practice every single day. And when you do that day in and day out the repetitions accumulate and skills are developed and refined.

Please consider joining us for our summer daily tennis training sessions. Your goal may be to be the next Serena Williams or it might simply be to learn the sport of a lifetime. Regardless, everyday we work to provide opportunities for learning and getting repetition, repetition, repetition.

Additionally, if you are interested in learning some more creative ways to practice at home. Please check out one of my mentors, Steve Smith, and his course on GreatBase Tennis, How to Practice at Home.

Spring Tennis 2023 Information & Registration

I am happy to announce we will move back outside on Sunday, April 2nd and continue through June 4th.

For more information or to register please click the link below.

Spring 2023 Tennis Information

Information on the Summer Camp is also tentatively out and can be found at the link below.

Summer 2023 Tennis Information